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Our survival, and the survival of the people we work hard to protect and help, depends on kind people who show their love for the poor and the dispossessed in two ways—through volunteering and donations.
DonationsOur survival, and the survival of the people we work hard to protect and help, depends on kind people who show their love for the poor and the dispossessed in two ways—through volunteering and donations. Not everyone has the time to volunteer, and not everyone can; but we are regularly astonished by the generosity with which people give money they worked so hard to earn. If you’d like to help us in this way, please:
- Select the particular cause you would most like to help with.
- Decide how much you would like to give and whether this is a one-time or a recurring donation. One-time payments are always welcome, but recurring donations are our lifeblood and give us confidence that we will still be around to help people in future.
- Send your donation!
On behalf of those longing for relief from hardship, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.